Creating a Lean Healthy body while balancing hormones for blemish free skin

What is balanced babe image
My website is all about giving you the right tools to have a Healthy shapely body while balancing hormones for blemish free and glowing skin from the inside out. 

The balanced babe plan combines Goal setting to ensure you reach your goals and accountability with me *if you choose to have my help along the way with one on one coaching*. It also provides the exact nutrition plans including recipes to help you reduce body fat and feel healthier while still balancing a busy life. Healthy food doesn't have to be boring! The exercise program is detailed to sets, reps and days you will be working your muscles to help your body burn more calories a day and create a shapely healthy physique. The supplementation part of this program is the secret sauce that utilizes patented pre-digested whole foods used by 1,000’s of doctors to help with energy, metabolism and especially to create healthy smooth “blemish free” skin.

Every woman deserves the chance to feel powerful in their own skin and feel in control of their wellness journey... I am here to help with exactly that. 
about nevaeh  image
Hi! I'm Nevaeh and I want to tell you a little bit about me and why I have such a passion for helping women in the fitness world.

I grew up around the fitness world my whole life. My mom is viewed by many as one of the best natural figure bodybuilders in the world, my dad is a nutritionist/formulator and has worked with thousands of professional athletes, so fitness and health run in my blood. I also have 3 older brothers so you can imagine you have to learn how to hold your own in a house full of boys. Even though I am internationally certified as a professional trainer and have my esthetician license for skin health, my lifelong knowledge of being in the field of health and fitness has taught me many secrets that I can share with you.

I played sports all through my childhood and high school. I grew up going to camps and training all summer long. I played volleyball, basketball and ran track. But I was a 5’5 middle blocker in volleyball which meant I had to learn to jump high. I spent a lot of my time at practices and doing agility and plyometric training. My sophomore year of high school I found a love for bodybuilding as I watched 2 of my brothers and mom train and compete. I decided to do my first show in the summer of 2019. This was not the best experience, but we’ll come back to that. The following summer going into my senior year of high school I completely tore my ACL and meniscus in my left knee during basketball practice. This would mean I was out for my senior year volleyball season which left me crushed but I decided to rehab as hard as I could and make it back for basketball. After 5 months of very intense rehab, I was back on the court. Our team made it to the state championship game and everyone in our small little town was there to support. In the 3rd quarter I felt a pop in my right knee and went down. I had completely torn my ACL in my right knee now. In the moment none of it seemed to matter because our team went into overtime and won the state championship. After the game it started to set in that I was now going to have complete reconstruction surgery (again) and rehab my right knee this time-- my future plans were going to change. I had always wanted to play volleyball in college and was on the road to be able to do so. After I tore my right knee, I decided I wouldn't play volleyball because it would take an extreme amount of dedication to the game that I didn't think I had anymore. Rehab is something I became very familiar with. What was not so familiar was knowing who I was without the sports I loved in school. This is something that has driven my passion to help other people through times like those.

Now back to the story about my bodybuilding show. Still being in high school when I chose to compete, I was so concerned of what everyone thought about me and the rumors being spread. It soon turned into a joke among a group of people that I was competing, which meant when I would post posing. They would recreate the videos making fun of me and circulate them through their friend group. 2 days before my show in Greece I was on my flight and looked at my phone to see one of the videos had been posted and my friends had sent it to me. I immediately started crying and swore right then that after this show I would never step on stage again. For the next 3 years following anytime anyone would ask about my next show I was very quick to shut them down and explain I was never doing that again. Not just no.. but Hell no! I wish so deeply I could go back and give that girl a hug and tell her just how important self love and feeling comfortable in your own skin is. I want to be that person for you. Because it really is the key to self progression.

I slowly started my recovery from surgery and after about 8 months felt like I could move freely on my knee again. I was working out but not for any specific reason, mostly just because I knew I needed to. I was eating out multiple times a week and “living up my senior year” Well this created some really bad habits in my nutrition and exercise. I graduated and moved about 3 hours from home to attend esthetician school in the city. I started to realize very quickly that my bad habits from my senior year back home had carried over. I was getting about 3-4 hours of sleep every night while going to school full time, I was eating out all of the time and constantly snacking on sugary sweets. I was overeating just because I was bored. I went to the gym but was never pushing myself the way I needed to. I felt myself getting more and more sad every single day. My skin hated me. I was breaking out worse than I ever had and I was AN ESTHETICIAN. I was doing all the right skin things.. Except the problem was from the inside. I finally hit a breaking point. I was done being sad, I was done not fitting into my clothes anymore, I was done constantly wearing makeup to hide my skin, I was done with it all! So trust me, I understand the struggle of stubborn skin blemishes!

I came home one weekend and told my family I had made the decision to compete again. I needed a goal to push me again and I needed help finding balance. I had gone so hard one way being an athlete and then once that was over I felt like I had no balance or structure in my life and health. I fully trusted my mom and dad to coach me to a show but I needed something different, a change. Someone who didn't know me for my past and would get to know me now. I found a coach and team that I immediately felt welcomed by. And that over time became family to me. I started my exercise and meal plan right away with my coach and within a few weeks started feeling like myself again, I was getting stronger than ever, had more energy, and felt powerful. The next step was the skin… My dad looked at my blood work and explained my body didn't have the nutrients it needed to heal the skin. No skin treatment can fix that. I started taking my vitamin religiously again and after a few months I finally felt like I had some control of my skin and hormones again. This was such a powerful moment for me. If these small decisions and changes could make such a difference in my life it could in others too and I wanted to help every woman, I knew that was struggling like I was.

I felt such passion and fire to share with people just how life changing health and fitness could be and that it didn't have to be a whole lifestyle change. It was just about balance. I became a licensed personal trainer and now my passion is to help young woman find balance in their skin, body, and hormonal health. Through fun and easy meal swaps, staying fit, and feeding your body the nutrients its begging for. I can’t wait for you to see the life changing moments that can come from the small and simple changes. Lets do it bestie!
  • Thatcher, Arizona, United States